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Where To See Capybara

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Capybara is a large rodent native to South America. It is the largest living rodent in the world, and is easily recognized by its distinctive appearance. Capybara can be found in many different habitats, including grasslands, marshes, and rivers. They are usually found in groups of up to 20 individuals, and prefer to live in areas with plenty of water.

Capybara can be seen in zoos and wildlife parks around the world. They are also kept as pets in some countries, although they require a lot of space and special care. In the wild, they can be spotted in many countries in South America, including Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru.

Capybara are also seen in the media, most notably in the Disney movie “Rio”, where they are featured as the main characters. They are also featured in the video game “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”, where they are used as mounts by Link.

In addition to zoos and wildlife parks, capybara can also be seen in some nature reserves and sanctuaries. These areas are designed to protect the animals from human interference and provide them with a safe and natural habitat.

Lastly, capybara can also be seen in the wild, although they are shy and elusive animals. The best way to spot them is to look for their distinctive tracks and droppings near water sources. They can also be seen in the early morning and late evening, when they come out to forage for food.