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What Does Capybara Fur Feel Like

2 mins

Capybara fur feels quite unique and interesting! Here are some details on what capybara fur is like:

  • Texture - Capybara fur is very dense and soft. It has been described as feeling similar to a mole’s fur or velvet. The hairs are quite fine and silky.
  • Color - A capybara’s fur is a brown/reddish brown color. The fur can have a slight yellowish tint to it in some cases. Their fur is usually a solid color.
  • Water Resistance - Capybara fur is somewhat water resistant due to natural oils their skin produces. This allows the capybara to stay fairly dry even when going in and out of water. The fur strands are oily and coarse enough not to absorb water easily.
  • Insulating - The thick and dense fur helps insulate capybaras and keep them warm. This adaptation helps them regulate body temperature.
  • Growth - A capybara’s hair grows rapidly and needs to be replaced often. They will shed old hairs continually as new ones grow in. This keeps their coat thick and full.

So in summary, petting a capybara reveals fur that feels soft, velvety, and thick. The natural oiliness gives it a distinctive coarse, wiry feel in places. Their unique fur allows capybaras to thrive in and out of the water in their riparian environments.