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How To Pronounce Capybara

1 min

Capybara is pronounced “kuh-PIE-bar-uh”. It is a large, semi-aquatic mammal native to South America. It is the largest living rodent in the world, growing up to four feet in length and weighing up to 140 pounds. Capybaras have short, reddish-brown fur and a large head with small ears. They have webbed feet and a short, stubby tail. They are excellent swimmers, and can stay submerged for up to five minutes. They are herbivores, and their diet consists mainly of grasses, aquatic plants, and fruits.

Capybaras are social animals, living in groups of up to twenty individuals. They are active during the day, and spend most of their time grazing and resting in the water. They are also excellent diggers, and use burrows to escape from predators.

Capybaras are an important part of the ecosystem, providing food for many species of birds, reptiles, and mammals. They are also an important source of food for humans in some parts of South America.