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How Fast Can Capybara Run

2 mins

Capybaras are semi-aquatic rodents native to South America, and they are the largest rodents in the world. They are generally slow-moving animals, but they can run at speeds of up to 35 km/h (22 mph) when threatened or when chasing prey. They can also swim at speeds of up to 8 km/h (5 mph).

Capybaras are social animals and live in groups of up to 20 individuals. They are mainly herbivores and feed on grasses, aquatic plants, fruits, and tree bark. They are also known to eat small fish and crabs.

Capybaras have a number of adaptations that help them survive in their environment. They have webbed feet, which help them move quickly through water, and their fur is water-resistant, which helps keep them warm and dry. They also have large, sharp incisors that they use to gnaw on plants and tree bark.

Capybaras are also excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for up to five minutes at a time. They are also very good climbers and can climb trees and rocks with ease.

Overall, capybaras can run at speeds of up to 35 km/h (22 mph) when threatened or when chasing prey. They can also swim at speeds of up to 8 km/h (5 mph), and they have a number of adaptations that help them survive in their environment.